Sign up for Evo before August 31st and snag our limited time offer of FREE Membership and 60 FREE driving minutes! Sign up at evo.ca with promo code VIC1000.*
Evo is one-way car sharing at its best. Just pick up a car near you, keep it for as long as you want and end your trip by parking in any approved spot within the Home Zone. You only pay for the time you use – gas, parking, insurance and unlimited kms are included in our low per minute, per hour or day rate. Plus, loaded with bike and ski racks, Evo's hybrid fleet provides enough space for you and all your gear. It's an easy and affordable way to get you from here to there, with room for your friends.
Home Zone
The Home Zone is the service area where you can start and end your trip. Our Victoria and Vancouver Home Zones are separate, and you’ll need to end your trip in the Home Zone you started in. You can go anywhere in Canada and take Evo as long as you need, just remember to return Evo to the same Home Zone you left from.
Victoria Home Zone
You can park for free in any Evo designated, residential or permit only spots within the Home Zone. Check out all the parking rules before you go.
Flexible rates
With Evo, get freedom you can afford. Drive by the minute or all day and pay only for what you use. We cover the rest. Our rates include gas, insurance, parking and all the kilometres you can dream of! No caps, no limits.
Get the app
Let the app be your key to Evo, from registration through to locating cars via real-time maps, you’re one tap away from hopping in and hitting the road. You can reserve Evos up to 30 minutes in advance, or walk up to an available Evo and start your trip.
Download Now:
*Offer expires August 15, 2024 and cannot be combined with other offers. Valid on new Evo Memberships only. Free minutes are valid 30 days from time of Membership approval. See Member Agreement at evo.ca/member-agreement.